If buying a new pair of shoes is always synonymous with pleasure, your first steps with them may be less so... It is not uncommon to feel pain when wearing new shoes. In this article, we give you some tips on how to treat yourself when buying a new pair of shoes. And by wearing them !

The different types of pain related to new shoes:

Due to their rigidity, new shoes can cause injuries such as blisters, as well as various pains in the heel or Achilles tendon.

What are these inconveniences due to? How can they be avoided? We'll tell you everything here.

The Light bulbs

The lightbulbs are the result ofintense and repeated rubbing. . Humidity, Sorry, it seems like your message is incomplete. Could you please provide more context or complete the sentence? heat, as well as the presence of foreign bodies, increase friction and are aggravating factors. The epidermis becomes irritated and red, then separates from the dermis. A small pocket forms and fills with serous fluid. This defense mechanism helps protect the injured tissues under the blister.

So, how can I avoid blisters and rubbing with my new shoes ?

Breaking in your new shoes:

  • Start by wearing them a little, but regularly:Before wearing your shoes daily, Wear them several times for short periods to soften them.. These little outings will allow them to adapt to the shape of your foot and your way of walking. It will also be an opportunity to identify any potential friction problems and address them before wearing them for an extended period. You can also test the most suitable pairs of socks for your shoes, and if necessary, the most comfortable lacing.
  • Fill them with wet newspaper: Insert several crumpled and dampened newspaper pages into your shoes, and leave them in your shoes for a few hours. The moisture and compression applied to the fabric or leather of your shoes will help to slightly stretch them. You will feel much better when you put your shoes back on.
  • Heat them with a hairdryer: Same effect with heat! After putting on thick socks and slipping on your shoes, Warm their leather for about thirty seconds. Thanks to a hairdryer set on a low temperature. Walk around for about ten minutes. As it cools down, the leather will retain the stretch applied during these few minutes.

Wearing preventive bandages

You have the option to apply double skin dressings where you think blisters may appear. This type of dressing, in the form of a pad, Helps to absorb pressure and reduce friction. For some brands, they can stay in place for several days.

Heel pain

Heel pain, or talalgia, is generally caused by the counter that is located at the back of the shoe, characterized by a seam. It is this counter that provides support for the heel.

How to prevent heel pain with new shoes ?

Softening the stiffeners of your shoes

It is only after 10 to 15 days of wearing that the heel counter will slightly take the shape of your heel. As we have seen before, it can be beneficial to wear your new shoes. several times for short periods to soften them, before wearing them daily.

But if you want to speed up or intensify the process at the heel level, you can, additionally, Apply regular pressure with your thumbs on it.

Choosing perfectly fitting shoes

The shoe must provide consistent support for the foot, without compressing it. We tend to focus on the shoe size to match the length of our foot, but it is just as important to Ensure the width of the shoe last. Finally, the shape of the shoe should also adapt to the shape of your foot !

Reinforce your shoes

In order to minimize contact between the foot and the heel counter, You can add a leather or moleskin reinforcement. These small pads are placed inside the shoe, at the heel level, and ensure good support and reduced friction. Please note, they are not suitable for tight-fitting or too small shoes! The reinforcement will indeed take up space in the shoe. this will reduce the space allocated to your feet.

Replacing sliders in shoemaking

The pull tab is a piece of leather located on the back interior part of the shoe, at the level of the heel counter. As its name suggests, it allows to "slide" the foot into the shoe when putting it on and when walking. If it is ill-fitting or defective, this can lead to heel pain. A cobbler can remove the sliders using a skiving knife and cover this part with a very soft leather., He will then glue it. Next, the cobbler shapes it to the heel using a last or a form. Finally, the welt is sewn onto the shoe, being careful to stitch into the same holes.

Achilles tendon pain:

The Achilles tendon, or calcaneal tendon, is the link between the calf and the foot. It extends into the calf muscle and the heel bone, allowing the heel to lift during walking or when standing on tiptoes.

Bad foot movements, constraints, or repeated friction on the Achilles tendon can cause inflammation, leading to pain.

How to make these Achilles tendon pains disappear ?

Good arch support

Whether you have flat feet (with a low arch) or high-arched feet (with a very curved arch), It is essential to choose shoes with an arch that matches your foot's. This way, you ensure optimal support for your foot. It is also possible to add an insole if needed. Shoes that are not adapted can lead to inflammation of the Achilles tendon, and ultimately to tendinitis.

Soft shoes

Your shoes should bend at the same places as your feet. Specifically, at the ankle joint, and at the level of the toes. Shoes that are too rigid do not allow for this flexibility and inevitably lead to pain in the Achilles tendon.

Heels of 12 to 15 mm minimum

Flats that are too low lead to excessive stress on the Achilles tendon and chronic tension. In fact, beyond this heel height, the extensor role of the Achilles tendon is reduced, which helps to protect it. And the higher the heel, the more true this is! Therefore, it is recommended to wear high heels when the Achilles tendon is injured, in order to give it some rest for a certain period of time.

But be careful, a too often reduced range of motion weakens the calf muscle and shortens the Achilles tendon, which also ends up causing injuries.

Whether it's blisters, heel pain, or Achilles tendon pain, one particular point keeps coming back with new shoes: It is essential to make sure to buy shoes in the right size !

Whether purchased online or in-store, always try on your shoes before making a final decision. Do your fittings at the end of the day, when your foot is most swollen ! Finally, make sure to try both shoes well as we always have one foot stronger than the other. You should feel comfortable and stable, while being perfectly supported throughout the foot, without any pressure points or rubbing.

It is trying on the shoes that will confirm if they fit the shape of your foot.

Happy shopping to you tou.s.tes ! !