Why Do We Feel Cold Feet?

When skiing, it's often because it's actually cold!

Each person has their own sensitivity to cold, but the body functions the same way for everyone: when temperatures are low, the body goes into "survival" mode and prioritizes blood flow to vital organs, such as the heart, at the expense of extremities like the feet and hands.

In general, the feet are also physically further away, making it more difficult for the heart to circulate blood to them.

Furthermore, this phenomenon and the sensation of cold that comes with it can be exacerbated if you have circulation disorders such as Raynaud's disease. This condition causes temporary interruptions in blood flow to the extremities due to spasms in the blood vessels, often triggered by cold temperatures.

But what we're really interested in here is how to keep warm while skiing!

What Are the Solutions to Combat Cold Feet?

If you're wondering how to fight the feeling of cold feet during your ski days, here are some tips to help you enjoy your time on the slopes while keeping your feet warm! Yes, it's possible!

First and foremost, move around!

Before doing anything else, simply remember to wiggle your toes as often as possible. You can also swing your legs back and forth. The goal is to reactivate the microcirculation (blood flow in the small peripheral vessels connected to the veins and arteries) which may be hindered in ski boots or reduced due to cold temperatures.

Opt for quality socks:

To avoid cold feet in your ski boots, we recommend the perfect sock material for fighting cold: wool!

Wool is the essential material for winter. Whether it comes from sheep, goats, or alpacas, this natural fiber is the best for thermal insulation. The higher the percentage of wool in a sock's composition, the better its insulation properties and the warmer it feels.

Additionally, wool has a high moisture absorption and wicking capacity, keeping you dry at all times. This detail is important as moisture enhances the feeling of cold!

Merino wool is the best type of wool. Merino sheep can withstand temperatures ranging from -20°C to +35°C. Like traditional wool, its surface is covered in scales that make it irregular, but they are three times finer!

These scales easily trap air, providing insulation for your feet. Thanks to their fineness, Merino wool is not itchy. Besides being soft, it's lightweight and feels like a second skin.

However, avoid wearing overly thick wool socks... As you'll see in our "Common Mistakes" section below, it can worsen the sensation of cold.

Ensure Your Ski Boots Fit Properly:

Are your ski boots the right size?

Both in length and width, boots that are too small, as well as those that are too big, can worsen foot cooling while skiing.
In boots that are too small, the foot is compressed. Blood circulation is therefore less effective, and blood doesn't flow properly.

In boots that are too big, your feet are not in optimal contact with the liner and other insulating materials inside your boot.

Also, remember to adjust the tightness of your boots throughout the day.

Are your ski boots sufficiently warm?

If your ski boots have been with you for many years, perhaps their thermal performance is not optimal. Indeed, there have been considerable technical advances in ski boot manufacturing in recent years.
Maybe it's time for you to invest in new and high-performance gear?

The ultimate solution, opt for heated socks:

There are numerous new technologies to combat the cold.
The clothing industry is no exception and now offers solutions that, while expensive, are extremely effective. You won't regret the investment!

To combat cold feet, there are heated socks that can be worn while skiing, and more! By wearing them, you can be sure you won't have cold feet anymore.

The false good ideas:

To combat cold feet while skiing, it's best to forget about some methods that are often talked about...

The super thick ski sock:

Wearing this type of sock will only further compress your feet and worsen the blood circulation problem. Remember, it's the blood that carries the heat!

Layering pairs of socks:

You'll end up with the same result as with socks that are too thick: too much compression on your feet, and the accompanying cold sensation.

Using foot warmers:

Here too, the added thickness of the foot warmers will cause compression on the feet as a whole, or on specific points, adding discomfort. Moreover, this extra thickness could hinder your balance and movements.

You now know all about cold feet while skiing, and how to avoid it!